Club Outreach Program

The CKBC Club Outreach Program is a component of the Enhanced Services program designed to support CKBC Clubs. The program has the vision of assisting clubs in developing their organization at the operational level.

Through webinar, online meetings, and in-person support, clubs will be provided assistance on getting their clubs operational model in place well before the paddling season begins. 

CKBC acknowledges that its member clubs are generally volunteer driven and rely on summer staff who do not work throughout the winter. As such it is a “scramble” each year to get revenue generating programs going for the club.


Why would you want to do the Club Outreach Program?

The Club Outreach Program is designed to:

  • Assist clubs in establishing program objectives.
  • Assist clubs in program planning, including marketing, and sales planning.
  • Programs may include:
    • Learn to paddle or introductory programs.
    • Programs for those with intellectual or physical disabilities.
    • Programs for Females.
    • Programs for Adults (Masters).
    • Competitive Programs.
    • School based programs. 
  • Understanding of Canada Summer Jobs Program Requirements and Application Procedures.


The Observation process is arranged in the following manner:

  1. Club Submissions
    • Club submits their current and proposed programming.
  2. The outreach involves CKBC visiting and/or meeting with the Club to:
    1. Develop a complete program plan including:
      • Determining Program Offerings.
      • Marketing Strategies and Plans.
      • Sales Strategies and Plans.
  3. CKBC will conduct the research to assist with:
    • Key Partners
    • Key Activities
    • Key Resources
    • Custom Segments
    • Customer Relationships
    • Sales and Marketing Channels
  4. Member Club executes Outreach Program